Agile People Manifesto




Agile People are curious and collaborate to create awesome value and innovative solutions that meet human needs

(Engage­ment, Innova­tion, Curiosity)


Agile People actively embrace diversity and inclusion to create communities where people feel safe and truly belong

(Diversity, Safety, Belonging)


Agile People connect deeply with individuals, businesses, and society to create a culture where human ability is nurtured, valued and unleashed

(Culture, Connection, Humanity, Focus on broader society)


Agile People continuously pursue meaning and purpose in life to create a positive and significant impact in the world of work

(Purpose, Meaning)


Agile People actively seek opportu­nities to experi­ment and learn to adapt fast and thrive in a changing environ­ment

(Adapta­bility, Experimen­tation)


Agile People promote transparency across organizations and teams to enable trust, ownership and self-organisation

(Transpar­ency, Commit­ment, Accounta­bility, Self-organisa­tion)


Agile People harness the power of boundary spanning to facilitate proactive collabo­ration across organisa­tional barriers

(Cross-Functional, Collabo­­ration, Communi­cation, Learning)

When and Why
The Agile People Manifesto was crafted at a gathering in the beautiful coastal village “Smögen” on the west coast of Sweden, in June 2019 by 19 agile people from 15 countries all over the world.

It is a gift from us for everyone to use – Be inspired

We had a lot of fun in the process

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